
272 results within

Ministry of Social Development | Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora

Website: Ministry of Social Development


Tagging and graffiti consultation (2009)

A report on the findings of a consultation with young people on their attitudes and experiences with tagging. Findings are presented in relation to three broad…

Working with young people

Social Work Now, Issue 42, pages 5-11. Working with young people is tremendously rewarding. Few professional areas of social work provide the kind of practice potential that…

Conduct Problems Best Practice Report

This report was prepared by the Advisory Group on Conduct Problems (AGCP) on the prevention, treatment and management of conduct problems in children and young people. The…

Youth Participation Case Studies DVD

The Youth Participation Videos DVD profiles youth participation projects from around New Zealand that have been supported by the Ministry of Youth Development (MYD). The Ministry is…

Business Attitudes to Tackling Family Violence

In September 2008, the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) commissioned Senate to conduct interviews of 10 chief executives of large businesses operating in New Zealand to…