
89 results within

Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o te Ture

Website: Ministry of Justice


Phone: 04 918 8800

Justice Sector Forecast: Prison Population 2014-2024

The Justice Sector Forecast covers the prison population (remand and sentenced), non-custodial sentences, legal aid expenditure, Crown Law case numbers, and court-imposed fines, amongst other things.…

Delivering Social Services Every Day

Social services are working more and more collaboratively to deliver services to New Zealanders. This occurs throughout the sector, from frontline NGOs delivering services on behalf…

Evaluation of the Defendant Centred Courtroom pilot

The Defendant Centred Courtroom (DCC) pilot trialed a reconfigured District Court courtroom where defendants who are not in custody sit or stand beside their counsel at…

Justice Sector Report 2013

Public trust in our institutions and the law is essential to making society work effectively. We want a justice system that delivers the core results of…

Public perceptions of crime: Survey Report

The Ministry of Justice (the Ministry) commissioned Colmar Brunton to undertake a survey to investigate public perceptions about crime and the criminal justice system. The survey…

Organised crime: All of government response

The Organised Crime Strategy (the Strategy) outlined a multi agency work programme containing 15 initiatives designed to build on the laws passed over 2009-2011 to target…