
648 results within

Ministry of Education | Tāhuhu o Te Mātauranga

Website: Ministry of Education


Survey of Special Education resourcing

In 2007/08 an independent survey was undertaken to inform the Government about the level of special education resources received by schools and the allocation of special…

NEMP Music Assessment Results 2008

In 2008, the second year of the fourth cycle of national monitoring, three areas were assessed: music, aspects of technology, and reading and speaking. This report…

NEMP Reading and Speaking Assessment Results 2008

In 2008, the second year of the fourth cycle of national monitoring, three areas were assessed: music, aspects of technology, and reading and speaking. This report…

NEMP Technology Assessment Results 2008

In 2008, the second year of the fourth cycle of national monitoring, three areas were assessed: music, aspects of technology, and reading and speaking. This report…