Growing research in practice (GRIP): An innovative partnership model

Growing research in practice (GRIP): An innovative…
01 Jan 2008

Growing Research in Practice (GRIP) was an innovative partnership programme which aimed to help develop a culture of enquiry among practitioners in social service agencies in Auckland by developing strategies and resources to strengthen research-mindedness and related activity.

The programme ran for 15 months (January 2006-March 2007) and was overseen by a project team (consisting of Massey University grant holders and University of Auckland partners) and a practitioner advisor (the ‘critical friend’), and managed by a project manager.

GRIP worked with nine social service agencies to have them explore research questions of immediate concern to practitioners. While all the projects were ultimately about improving services to clients, particularly families, they took different approaches. Various research methodologies and methods were employed.

This report was prepared for the Families Commission Innovative Practice Fund by Neil Lunt, Christa Fouché and Deborah Yates.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018