
4046 results

Lessons from the Workplace Project

The Government established the Work-Life Balance Project in 2003 to develop “an integrated and coordinated policy programme to promote a better balance between paid work and…

Privacy survey 2008

Results in this report are based upon questions asked in the UMR Research nation-wide omnibus survey. This is a telephone survey of a nationally representative sample…

Review of the International Student Levy

This publication is an independent review of the International Student Levy (ISL or the Levy) which currently applies to primary and secondary state and state-integrated schools…

National Depression Initiative Tracking Survey 3

This survey is the second to access the impact of the "John Kirwan" National Depression Initiative (NDI) Campaign. A total of 1,006 interviews were completed nationally with…

Sport NZ: Outdoor Recreation Review

In 2006 the outdoor recreation sector indicated to Government that a review of the outdoor recreations sector was needed. The sector was described as ‘rudderless’, fragmented…