BES Case Study 28: To improve learning, engage with teacher's beliefs about students and learning

BES Case Study 28: To improve learning, engage wit…
01 Jan 2009

The best evidence syntheses (BESs) bring together research evidence about ‘what works’ for diverse (all) learners in education. Recent BESs each include a number of cases that describe actual examples of professional practice and then analyse the findings. These cases support educators to grasp the big ideas behind effective practice at the same time as they provide vivid insight into their application.

It is through their leading of teacher professional learning and development that school leaders have their greatest impact on student outcomes. Most of this impact stems from the establishment of effective professional learning communities.

This case demonstrates* the importance of leaders engaging with teacher beliefs about students and teachers exploring the teaching–learning relationship in a professional learning community. These findings are applicable to any school improvement initiative.

The case focuses on teacher beliefs about reading in years 1–3 and using achievement data to inform teaching. It highlights the “wedge graph”, a smart tool that can support teaching improvement.

Page last modified: 17 Jul 2023