Domestic postgraduate enrolments in 2013: early indications

Domestic postgraduate enrolments in 2013: early in…
01 Nov 2013
Domestic postgraduate enrolments in 2013: early in…
01 Nov 2013
In this paper, we access preliminary enrolment data to analyse the number of domestic students studying at the postgraduate level in 2013, and how this compared to the previous three years. We complement the analysis of student enrolments by also presenting interim data on student loan borrowers and student allowance recipients

Key Results

There is considerable interest in postgraduate enrolment trends in 2013 because of changes made to financial support in Budget 2012. Enrolment data for January to August shows that:
  • In 2013, the number of domestic postgraduate students at the masters and doctoral level was similar to that in 2012.
  • Enrolments in postgraduate diplomas fell in 2013, but this was a continuation of a downward trend that had been evident for the previous two years.
  • Where there was significant change in enrolment patterns at other levels of postgraduate study, this was mostly due to changes in classifications of particular qualifications rather than an actual change in student enrolment behaviour.

Preliminary student loan and student allowance data for January to June suggests that the proportion of students at the masters and doctoral level who financed their study from non-Government sources increased in 2013.

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