Formative evaluation of the Principal Recruitment Allowance

Formative evaluation of the Principal Recruitment …
01 Jul 2017
Formative evaluation of the Principal Recruitment …
01 Jul 2017

The Principal Recruitment Allowance (PRA) is an allowance available to boards of trustees in schools which face significant challenges and have a principal vacancy. Its purpose is to attract principals who will provide highly effective management and instructional leadership. This formative evaluation seeks to understand how a programme is operating and inform decision making aimed at improvement.


A formative evaluation seeks to understand how a programme is operating, and inform decision making aimed at improvement. This purpose shaped the three overarching evaluation questions:

1. To what degree is the PRA being implemented as planned?

2. How does the PRA design work in practice?

  • What is working well and why?
  • What is not working so well and why?

3. What changes can be made to design and implementation to strengthen the PRA?

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018