Implementation of the New Zealand Curriculum: Synthesis of Research & Evaluation

Implementation of the New Zealand Curriculum: Synt…
01 Mar 2011
Implementation of the New Zealand Curriculum: Synt…
01 Mar 2011

The revised New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) was launched in November 2007 (Ministry of Education, 2007), following a lengthy period of trialling and consultation, which included the publication of a draft version in 2006. Schools were required to give full effect to the curriculum by February 2010. Their progress has been monitored using evidence reported by the Education Review Office (ERO) and research teams commissioned by the Ministry of Education to explore the process and stages of preparation, including a University of Auckland team (the ‘MECI’ study) and a combined New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) and University of Waikato team (the ‘CIES’ study). This paper synthesizes findings from these reports, and other relevant documents. Reports used are listed in the references (page 29).

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