•Research was undertaken on the 2009 investor migrant policy
•As part of this research, an online survey and qualitative interviews with investor migrants and agents/lawyers were undertaken
•Findings will inform INZ’s Business Migration/Migrant Attraction Strategy
Provide an understanding of the experience of investor migrants before, during and after making an application:
Reasons for choosing the NZ investor policy
Investment behaviours
Contributing to NZ
Information sources
Experience of NZ
Stage 1: Quantitative Research
•Online survey
•All* (772) clients who had made a valid application under (or transitioned onto) the 2009 policy invited to participate
•365 clients participated
•Survey offered in four languages
Stage 2: Qualitative Research
•Interviews with 20 investor migrants and 5 agents/lawyers
Key Results
1.The primary reason that investor migrants seek to come to New Zealand are lifestyle/personal.
2.Most investor migrants are hesitant to make anything other than passive investments as part of their application (they know little about investing in NZ and perceive passive as the most expedient and safest investment to base an application on).
3.Making prudent investments is important to investor migrants. They tend to be wary investors migrants.
4.Investor migrant’s personal and financial circumstances vary greatly. These circumstances greatly impact on investor migrant’s willingness and ability to contribute to New Zealand.
5.There is a considerable untapped potential contribution from investor migrants (intellectually and financially).
6.The approach to realising the potential contribution of investor migrants needs to be tailored to investor circumstances.