Locality-based evaluation of Pathways to the Future - Ngā Huarahi Arataki

Locality-based evaluation of Pathways to the Futur…
01 Jul 2011
Locality-based evaluation of Pathways to the Futur…
01 Jul 2011

Pathways to the Future: Ngā Huarahi Arataki was a 10-year strategic plan for early childhood education published by the Ministry of Education in 2002. This report synthesises findings from a locality-based longitudinal evaluation of Pathways to the Future: Ngā Huarahi Arataki.


Four evaluation questions were asked. To what extent, in what ways, and how effectively has the strategic plan:

  1. increased participation in ECE
  2. improved the quality of ECE
  3. facilitated the formation of collaborative relationships between ECE services, parent support and development, schools, health and social services
  4. supported parents’ ability to engage in work and training?
Page last modified: 11 Jul 2023