Parent and caregivers perceptions and attitudes towards children's physical activity and physical education: Results of a NZ primary schools physical activity project

Parent and Caregivers Perceptions and Attitudes to…
01 Jan 2010
Where has All the Physical Education Gone? (pdf)
01 Jan 2010

A pilot physical activity project was trialled in 15 primary schools in Christchurch and Auckland, New Zealand, with the aim to increase the quality and quantity of children’s physical activity and physical education. Part of the evaluation of this project was to investigate parents’ perceptions and attitudes to their children’s involvement in physical activity and physical education and the changes in these perceptions and attitudes as a result of this intervention. A parent and caregivers questionnaire developed by the Australian Council for Health, Physical Education & Recreation was completed on two occasions, at the baseline (term 1, 2003) and post intervention phase (term 4, 2004) of the data collection process and completed by 336 parent/caregivers (73% return rate). Baseline results indicated that parent’s highly valued the place of physical activity in the school environment and the health benefits and social skills that physical activity provides. Respondents indicated that family, the school and enjoyment of the activity were key factors in continued participation in physical activity for children. Barriers to participation were family and work commitments and cost of activities. Analysis of specific groups post intervention indicated an improvement in attitude towards physical education programmes and an increase in the influence of friends (low decile) and role of sports clubs (NZ European) in physical activity participation. These changes post intervention in parents’ perceptions may be reflective of the impact of the physical activity co-ordinators who endeavoured to improve school and community links and of the professional development for lead teachers.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018