Resource and Capability Framework for Integrated Adult Palliative Care Services in New Zealand

Resource and Capability Framework for Integrated A…
22 Jan 2013
Resource and Capability Framework for Integrated A…
22 Jan 2013
The Framework is a resource for district health boards, designed to provide guidance to funders and policy makers, informs strategic planning and purchasing of accessible and equitable palliative care services for New Zealanders

The Framework was commissioned by the Ministry in May 2011 following advice there is a lack of common understanding about what constitutes specialist or primary palliative care. The Framework describes the levels of palliative care required in New Zealand including the resources and capabilities needed to support service delivery.


The Resource and Capability Framework for Integrated Adult Palliative Care Services in New Zealand (the Framework) is designed to provide guidance to funders and policy makers. The Framework informs strategic planning and the purchasing of accessible and equitable palliative care services for New Zealanders.


The draft Framework was presented to key stakeholder groups including DHB General Managers Planning and Funding and DHB Chief Operating Officers seeking their initial thoughts and feedback prior to wider consultation. The consultation process was endorsed through these early discussions.

A questionnaire was widely distributed to the sector in August 2011 to capture feedback on the draft Framework and to gauge the sector’s views on the issues, including qualifications, eligibility criteria for specialist services and team composition. A response rate has not been calculated because the distribution process encouraged the questionnaire to be circulated to all interested groups and individuals. In November 2011 the Ministry hosted a workshop to consult with representatives from key organisations and groups in the palliative care sector on selected findings from the questionnaire. The purpose of the workshop was to reach consensus on an approach to those parts of the questionnaire where the responses varied or were contradictory. The outcome of the workshop was a Framework that reflects the New Zealand context.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018