Targeting Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease

Targeting Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease (pdf…
02 Apr 2011

In July 2009 the Government demonstrated its commitment to reducing the incidence and disease impact of diabetes and CVD by introducing a health target of 'Better Diabetes and Cardiovascular Services'.

The health target aims for the following:

  • increased percent of the eligible adult population will have had their CVD risk assessed in the last five years
  • increased percent of people with diabetes will attend free annual checks
  • increased percent of people with diabetes will have satisfactory or better diabetes management.

This publication looks at how DHBs are working to achieve this health target, and discusses the real gains which are being made thanks to the creativity, teamwork and dedication of hospital staff, especially those on the frontline, and the people who provide health services and support in the community.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018