The labour participation response of mothers to changes in early childhood education costs

The labour participation response of mothers to ch…
01 Jul 2012

This is a selective review of the evidence on the link between the cost and availability of early childhood education (ECE), and parents’, particularly mothers’, participation in work. This review is intended to inform policy advice on what impact changes in ECE costs would be likely to have on New Zealand mothers’ participation in work. 


This is a selective review of the evidence on the link between the cost and availability of early childhood education (ECE), and parents’, particularly mothers’, participation in work. This review is intended to inform policy advice on what impact changes in ECE costs would be likely to have on New Zealand mothers’ participation in work.

This review was selective, examining a number of studies, and selecting the most relevant, robust and recent, for discussion. A wider range of studies are briefly described, at the end of this report.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018