The first annual Cancer Nurse Coordinator Initiative (CNCI) evaluation report has drawn on a number of data sources, including:
- a specific Cancer Nurse Coordinator (CNC) database that provides information about the activity and function of the nurses a CNC online survey which profiles CNCs and their activities, contribution and perceived effect on patient experience
- a provider online survey to assess understanding and perceived effects on patient experience
- a patient survey to assess patient experience of the new role and its contribution
- qualitiative interviews.
- the CNCI is implemented across 20 DHBs using four delivery models that reflect DHBs’ existing cancer care structures and population profile
- CNCs have an important role in the treatment team and contribute to improving communication between health professionals about patient care
- CNCs are seen to be contributing to a more coordinated patient journey and making a difference to patients and their family/Whānau.
- The evaluation provider is looking at enhancing the data collection tools to further improve data quality for the 2015 annual report.