New Zealand Suicide Prevention Strategy 2006-2016

New Zealand Suicide Prevention Strategy 2006-2016 …
02 Jun 2006

The New Zealand Suicide Prevention Strategy 2006-2016 was launched in June 2006 to provide an all-ages approach to suicide prevention. It builds on the gains made by the New Zealand Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy which was released in 1998.

The New Zealand Suicide Prevention Strategy 2006-2016 provides a framework for suicide prevention efforts over the next 10 years. Its overarching aim is to reduce the rate of suicidal behaviour and its effects on the lives of New Zealanders, while taking into account that suicide affects certain groups more than others. To achieve this aim, five year Action Plans will be developed to provide the detail about what specific initiatives will be implemented, by when and by whom.

The strategy will be useful for anyone who can contribute to suicide prevention. This includes health providers, community and iwi groups, researchers, schools, prisons, the media and the breadth of central and local government.


The overall purposes of this strategy are to:

  • reduce the rate of suicide and suicidal behaviour
  • reduce the harmful effect and impact associated with suicide and suicidal behaviour on families/whänau, friends and the wider community
  • reduce inequalities in suicide and suicidal behaviour.

The seven goals of the New Zealand Suicide Prevention Strategy are to:

  1. promote mental health and wellbeing, and prevent mental health problems
  2. improve the care of people who are experiencing mental disorders associated with suicidal behaviours
  3. improve the care of people who make non-fatal suicide attempts
  4. reduce access to the means of suicide
  5. promote the safe reporting and portrayal of suicidal behaviour by the media
  6. support families/whänau, friends and others affected by a suicide or suicide attempt
  7. expand the evidence about rates, causes and effective interventions.
Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018