Prescribing information resources: Use and preference by general practitioners

Prescribing information resources - overview (doc)
02 Dec 2005
Prescribing information resources - overview (pdf)
02 Dec 2005
Prescribing information resources - full report (d…
02 Dec 2005
Prescribing information resources - full report (p…
02 Dec 2005
The Ministry of Health funded the Centre for Health Services Research and Policy (The University of Auckland) to produce a research report on general practitioners’ (GP) preferred sources for information when making prescribing decisions, and the value that GPs place in these resources.

Prescribing Information Resources: Use and preference by general practitioners: An exploratory survey of general practitioners provides information on the sources of information GPs use to inform their prescribing decisions.

  • the sources of information GPs use
  • the factors that impact on GPs’ prescribing decision
  • the importance attributed by GPs to each sources
  • the sources that GPs value the most
  • further information that GPs might like to assist them in prescribing decisions.
  • This report is also accompanied by an overview that presents the key findings.

    The views expressed in this report are the personal views of the authors and should not be taken to represent the views or policy of the Ministry of Health or the Government.


    The survey had three key aims:

    1.1 To establish sources GPs use to inform themselves on prescribing decisions

    1.2 To describe how GPs keep their information up to date

    1.3 To establish what other factors influence GPs. prescribing decisions.

    Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018